Monday, November 3, 2008

Trunk or Treat and Halloween 2008

My nieces,Hayle and Greta and the "strawberry" is Heidi.
The boys at Trunk or treat at our church.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

TORNADO!!! Roanoke?

Here are pictures (not taken by me ,but got it off the Channel 7 News online and wsls 10 ) of a rotating cloud and just a quickly as it touched down it disapated! It's usually unlikely for them to hit our city and it was is a busy area and did little damage. We got pea size hail at our house and it poured rain!!! yeah we get excited about this stuff,cause it never happens in ROANOKE!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Real feathers!

UPDATE: sad of the baby birds fell out of the nest and goes the cycle of life.

But the birdies are thriving and getting real feathers so they can soon fly off into the sky.
I think at this point they are called fledglings. Nick wants to check on them everyday! He such the animal lover.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Strollin' along the Smith Mountain Lake...

We went putt-putt at Bridgewater plaza on the lake. The golf course if elevated over the water and is really fun...Daddy won the game,he so competitive!
here's me actually in a picture! Im the one always taking them! We were waiting on our pizza!

We just enjoyed watching the boats and wave runners skim across the lake. Sorry, no pictures of us in a boat(our Yacht is getting repaired...haha!) and this pic...Daddy should have worn stripes to match us...staying true to his Michigan roots!

Friday, May 23, 2008


If you look real hard you can see the baby opening it's beak for food.From what I hear and read the mama and daddy feed the babies 40 times a day!And they grow fast! I hope the nest holds up, we've gotten windy here the past few days .

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Robin's eggs have HATCHED!

So today, we sat outside to wait for the bus...a beautiful morning by the way. Nick was telling me how he wants to become a bird watcher and a tornado chaser still. He wanted me to check the nest AGAIN and I said the mama bird was sitting in the nest to keep the eggs warm...all of a sudden we saw the mama leave the nest. So I checked real quick and saw fuzzy feathers! I said they hatched! Nick was jumping up and down and so excited! They are so tiny,it must have just happened! We'll try to update on the growth progress:-)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What we discovered one day while waiting for the bus...

A week or two ago we were waiting for the bus. Nick noticed a Robin flying into the weed/shrub/tree like growing on the corner of the fence. It flew away when I came was building a nest! So EVERYDAY since Nick has insisted on checking the nest for eggs. I told him probably not but maybe there would be eggs in it. The past few days we were running late and didn't check. Today we checked and I couldn't believe it there were 3 blue eggs in the nest! I put Nick on my back so he could see and got so excited and then hoisted Chad on my back so he could see too..."oh that's cool" he said. So I informed them to not to touch it and let the Robin mama do what she does. She didn't pick a very good spot! that area has a bunch of activity with us pulling up in our cars, getting out , opening the door, riding bikes ,and washing cars...hope they survive:-)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Here is where it happens...

Hey since you catch up with me on my cancer journey , I decided to create a new blog to let you in on whats going with the family, mostly the kids and how they are getting so big! Just today while waiting for the bus they were measuring how tall they came up to my short,small , framed body! Chad is just below my collar bone( right where my port is located) and Nick is about 6 in below that. Poor little Nick had this kid in his class that insists that Nick is 6 (probably teasing him cause the kid just turned 7 and Nick is already 7) I guess small has it's advantages...when picture time came around I was ALWAYS the first in line! Shortest to tallest! I got to hold the board that said the grade level and teacher...ALL the way from K to 6th grade! But never underestimate the power of a shortie! I vividly remember being in a swim race in my preteens and we lined up on the blocks and the majority of the girls had developed early and it seemed like a foot taller and then there was me, short and scrawny. Guess who won the race... ME! So anyway, be sure to check us out.